Tagged | testing
Managing Availability in Service Based Deployments with Continuous Testing
(engineering.salesforce.com) -
Pre-Submit UI Tests at Pinterest
(medium.com) -
Architecting Scalable React Native Apps
(semaphoreci.com) -
Why and how to replace end-to-end tests with synthetic monitors
(www.elastic.co) -
Pinterest Druid Holiday Load Testing
(medium.com) -
The Benefits of Acceptance Testing
(semaphoreci.com) -
Autonomous testing of services at scale
(engineering.fb.com) -
Network Validation Evolution at Hostinger
(www.hostinger.com) -
Article: The Fundamentals of Testing with Persistence Layers
(www.infoq.com) -
Reliable Cypress Browser Testing at Benchling
(benchling.engineering) -
Presentation: User Simulation for Rapid Outage Mitigation
(www.infoq.com) -
Automating Multi-Armed Bandit testing during feature rollout
(engineering.grab.com) -
Auditspec: testing side effects in functional code
(medium.com) -
Improving our UI testing at SingleStore
(www.singlestore.com) -
Maintaining End-To-End Quality With Visual Testing
(smashingmagazine.com) -
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tests
(engineering.squarespace.com) -
Measuring Security Risks in Open Source Software: Scorecards Launches V2
(security.googleblog.com) -
Handling Flaky Unit Tests in Java
(eng.uber.com) -
How JavaScript works: cross-browser testing + tips for prerelease browsers
(blog.sessionstack.com) -
Article: Building Reliable Software Systems with Chaos Engineering
(www.infoq.com) -
Chaos Experimentation, an open-source framework built on top of Envoy Proxy
(eng.lyft.com) -
Architecture of a Java Agent to Inject Chaos
(product.hubspot.com) -
Load Testing with Koi Pond
(slack.engineering)#software-engineering #software-architecture #testing #distributed-systems
Picasso: How to Test a Component Library
(www.toptal.com) -
Article: Testing Games is Not a Game
(www.infoq.com) -
Flaky Tests: Getting Rid Of A Living Nightmare In Testing
(smashingmagazine.com) -
Testing Apicurio Registry’s performance and scalability
(developers.redhat.com) -
How To Test Microservices
(levelup.gitconnected.com) -
Performance Testing a data pipeline at scale
(engineering.wingify.com)#data-pipeline #software-engineering #testing #performance #practices
Fuzzing Firefox with WebIDL
(hacks.mozilla.org) -
Presentation: Functional and Visual Testing for Web Applications
(www.infoq.com) -
Automating Complex End-to-End Tests
(engineering.salesforce.com) -
Presentation: Break Your App Before Someone Else Does
(www.infoq.com) -
Chaos Engineering comes to Ruby
(medium.com) -
Presentation: Testing Offline-First Mobile Applications
(www.infoq.com) -
Tackling UI test execution time imbalance for Xcode parallel testing
(engineering.grab.com) -
Automated visual regression testing with Jest
(blog.logrocket.com) -
eBay Motors: Screenshot Testing with Flutter
(tech.ebayinc.com) -
Presentation: InfraCoding with Terraform: Writing Tests for Infrastructure-as-Code
(www.infoq.com) -
[Performance Optimization] Writing Better Ruby Tests for SQL Queries
(tech.pic-collage.com) -
Presentation: How AI Is Transforming Test Automation
(www.infoq.com) -
Building our in-house virtual device lab “Caroufarm”
(medium.com) -
How To Make Cross-Browser Testing More Efficient With LambdaTest
(www.smashingmagazine.com) -
Building a Backtesting Service to Measure Model Performance at Uber-scale
(eng.uber.com)#software-engineering #software-architecture #testing #machine-learning
External Testing with Tesena
(tech.showmax.com) -
Continuous Testing – Creating a testable CI/CD pipeline.
(blog.scottlogic.com) -
Presentation: Mutation Testing: Case Studies on Spring Boot APIs
(www.infoq.com) -
Building an Effective Test Pipeline in a Service Oriented World
(medium.com) -
Article: Why Visual AI Beats Pixel and DOM Diffs for Web App Testing
(www.infoq.com) -
Automated IDOR Discovery through Stateful Swagger Fuzzing
(engineeringblog.yelp.com) -
Operating Load Testing Infrastructure at Scale
(tech.just-eat.com) -
Kotlin Multiplatform Android/iOS: Testing
(levelup.gitconnected.com) -
Selenium vs Puppeteer: testing the testing tools
(blog.scottlogic.com) -
Stubbing and Mocking in Java with the Spock Testing Framework
(semaphoreci.com) -
Better Android Testing at Airbnb
(medium.com) -
Automation via the Accessibility Ruleset Runner
(tech.ebayinc.com) -
Inside WeTransfer’s App Testing Process with Antoine van der Lee
(semaphoreci.com) -
Better Android Testing at Airbnb
(medium.com) -
Marionette - Enabling E2E user-scenario simulation
(engineering.grab.com) -
Better Android Testing at Airbnb
(medium.com) -
Hypothesis Testing in Production
(engineering.remind.com) -
Controlled Chaos with Fault Injection Testing
(technology.riotgames.com) -
JavaScript Tests You Can Trust
(tech.wayfair.com) -
Better Android Testing at Airbnb
(medium.com) -
The Case for WET Tests
(thoughtbot.com) -
Better Android Testing at Airbnb
(medium.com) -
Eliminating toil with fully automated load testing
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
Presentation: Automated Testing for Terraform, Docker, Packer, Kubernetes, and More
(www.infoq.com) -
Better Android Testing at Airbnb
(medium.com) -
Discovering Continuous Automation With Request Mirroring
(tech.ebayinc.com) -
Better Android Testing at Airbnb
(medium.com) -
Article: Lessons Learned in Performance Testing
(www.infoq.com) -
Writing end-to-end tests for GraphQL servers using Jest
(blog.logrocket.com) -
Presentation: The Future of Chaos Engineering: In Pursuit of the Unknown Unknowns
(www.infoq.com) -
Automated testing is not working
(blog.logrocket.com) -
Test Flakiness – Methods for identifying and dealing with flaky tests
(labs.spotify.com) -
Why I'm talking to developers about Exploratory Testing
(blog.scottlogic.com) -
Four Steps to Creating Effective Game Day Tests
(engineering.shopify.com) -
Article: Testing Microservices: 6 Case Studies With a Combination of Testing Techniques - Part 3
(www.infoq.com) -
Oh Sh*t : There is no time to test
(blog.novoda.com) -
Continuous testing with new Android emulator tools
(android-developers.googleblog.com) -
Presentation: Introduction to Stateful Property-Based Testing
(www.infoq.com) -
Introducing Hypothesis GU Funcs, an Open Source Python Package for Unit Testing
(eng.uber.com) -
The Power of Headless Chrome and PWA Automation Using Puppeteer
(engineering.opensooq.com) -
Article: How to Use Chaos Engineering to Break Things Productively
(www.infoq.com)#software-engineering #QA #testing #practices #chaos-engineering
Best Practices for Unit Testing in React Version 16
(eng.uber.com) -
An inside look at software testing at GitLab
(about.gitlab.com) -
Presentation: Acceptance Testing for Continuous Delivery
(www.infoq.com) -
What Bitbucket learned from migrating its unit testing tool
(blog.developer.atlassian.com) -
Testing Made Easier Via Framework Minimalism And Software Architecture
(www.smashingmagazine.com)#software-engineering #software-architecture #QA #testing #practices
The Big Bad Guide on Database Testing
(hackernoon.com) -
Effective iOS app UI testing with AutomationTools
(tech.just-eat.com) -
Article: Testing Microservices: an Overview of 12 Useful Techniques - Part 1
(www.infoq.com)#software-engineering #QA #testing #microservices #practices
Increase Code Maintainability with React Integration Testing
(www.toptal.com) -
Ad Metrics Quality and Testing on Mobile
(medium.com) -
Who watches the watchmen? Mutation testing in action
(itnext.io) -
Write Maintainable Integration Tests with Docker
(blog.docker.com) -
Testing WebSockets for beginners
(blog.scottlogic.com) -
Fast Parallel Testing at Databricks with Bazel
(databricks.com) -
What we're doing to fix Gitaly NFS performance regressions
(about.gitlab.com) -
Demystifying test automation
(blog.scottlogic.com) -
SQLsmith: Randomized SQL Testing in CockroachDB
(www.cockroachlabs.com) -
TDDing in React with Apollo and TypeScript
(thoughtbot.com) -
Using Virtual Private Clusters for Testing Apache Samza
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
Presentation: A Test of Strength
(www.infoq.com) -
Lerner — using RL agents for test case scheduling
(medium.com) -
End-to-end microservices testing with Catcher
(itnext.io) -
Detecting Interference: An A/B Test of A/B Tests
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
Chaos Engineering Kubernetes with the Litmus Framework
(www.infoq.com)#software-engineering #QA #testing #kubernetes #chaos-engineering
Presentation: Spot the Difference; Automating Visual Regression Testing
(www.infoq.com) -
Testing Go services using interfaces
(deliveroo.engineering) -
Embracing or banishing randomness
(drivy.engineering) -
Test Driven Development is the best thing that has happened to software design
(www.thoughtworks.com) -
Presentation: Blunders in Test Automation
(www.infoq.com) -
Presentation: BDD and the New Model for Testing
(www.infoq.com) -
Reducing variability in performance tests on EC2: Setup and Key Results
(engineering.mongodb.com) -
Presentation: Test-driven Machine Learning
(www.infoq.com) -
Article: Service Virtualization Meets Java: Hoverfly Tutorial
(www.infoq.com) -
Testing Event-Driven Systems
(www.confluent.io) -
Start Killing Mutants: Mutation test your code
(itnext.io) -
Loki, a dynamic mock server for HTTP/TCP testing
(engineering.grab.com) -
End-to-end load testing Zalando’s production website
(jobs.zalando.com) -
Saved by the Schema: Using JSON Schema to Document, Test, and Debug APIs
(blog.heroku.com) -
Failbot—Improving Visibility on End-to-end Tests
(www.ebayinc.com) -
A Saner Approach to Testing
(x-team.com) -
How to fully leverage your pentest
(blog.sqreen.com) -
Presentation: Yes, I Test In Production (And So Do You)
(www.infoq.com) -
Automated end-to-end tests and how they fit into our testing culture
(medium.com) -
Biometrics And Neuro-Measurements For User Testing
(www.smashingmagazine.com) -
Presentation: Teaching TDD to Different Learning Styles
(www.infoq.com) -
Automated Memory Leak Testing on iOS
(tech.showmax.com) -
Functional Contract Testing: A Case Study
(nordicapis.com) -
OpenSooq Android Performance Testing: Make Hard Things Easy
(engineering.opensooq.com) -
A Journey On End To End Testing A Microservices Architecture
(jobs.zalando.com) -
Working with Legacy Testing Frameworks
(blog.novoda.com) -
Presentation: Chaos Engineering with Containers
(www.infoq.com)#software-engineering #infra #QA #testing #chaos-engineering
Open sourcing ClusterFuzz
(security.googleblog.com) -
How we do Data QA @ Semantics3: Processes & Humans-in-the-Loop (Part 2)
(www.semantics3.com) -
Building Stable Systems with Load-Test Driven Development
(tech.just-eat.com) -
Be creative with Midway mock
(medium.com) -
Type-Driven Development – Replacing Unit Tests with Types in Typescript
(spin.atomicobject.com) -
iOS Application Testing Strategies at Shopify
(shopifyengineering.myshopify.com) -
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Test Retries: An Android Monorepo Case Study
(shopifyengineering.myshopify.com) -
Presentation: Break Things to Fix Things: Testing More than What "Should" Work
(www.infoq.com) -
Hot Dog or Not a Hot Dog: Using Metaprogramming to Write UI Tests
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Integration Testing for Memory Leaks
(developers.soundcloud.com) -
Our Self-Service Hybrid Performance Engineering Platform
(tech.wayfair.com) -
Testing Android Deep Linking at OpenSooq
(engineering.opensooq.com) -
From Code Quality to Integration: Optimizing Alibaba’s Blink Testing Framework
(hackernoon.com)#software-architecture #QA #testing #optimisation #distributed-systems
Scaling secure tunnels for browser testing
(medium.com) -
Why we left manual UI testing behind
(product.canva.com) -
How we load tested our APIs in Production
(lambda.grofers.com) -
Midway: Simplifying Mocked Responses
(medium.com) -
Automated Cross-Browser Testing for WebGL— It’s Not Going to Happen
(www.eventbrite.com) -
Why we fancied Testcafe over Webdriver for a mordern web app?
(blog.imaginea.com) -
Works on my machine… and also everywhere else: local build and testing environments as code
(www.thoughtworks.com) -
Snapshot Testing Going Beyond UI
(engineering.blogfoster.com) -
Predictive test selection: A more efficient way to ensure reliability of code changes
(code.fb.com) -
Offensive testing to make Dropbox (and the world) a safer place
(blogs.dropbox.com) -
Microcontainers for Unit Testing
(developers.redhat.com) -
Presentation: Testing the Endpoints of Your REST APIs
(www.infoq.com) -
Rethinking quality and the engineers who protect it
(www.eventbrite.com) -
The state of UI testing at Mixpanel
(engineering.mixpanel.com) -
MobileLab: Highly accurate testing to prevent mobile performance regressions
(code.fb.com) -
Strava’s New End-to-End Testing Setup
(medium.com) -
How Etsy Handles Peeking in A/B Testing
(codeascraft.com) -
SW Quality and Testing in MicroServices
(hackernoon.com) -
Mockers - overcoming testing challenges at Grab
(engineering.grab.com) -
Is Test Driven Development Right for You?
(blog.scottlogic.com) -
Cypress.io – the reason why we’re not stuck with Selenium
(www.future-processing.pl) -
Article: Testing Programmable Infrastructure - a Year On
(www.infoq.com) -
Automated UI testing and catching visual regressions
(tech.showmax.com) -
Container-native integration testing
(developers.redhat.com) -
Primer on Front End Automation
(medium.com) -
How To Improve Test Coverage For Your Android App Using Mockito And Espresso
(www.smashingmagazine.com) -
Lean Testing, or Why Unit Tests are Worse than You Think
(jobs.zalando.com) -
GUI Testing Powered by Deep Learning
(www.ebayinc.com) -
Presentation: Inside a Self-driving Uber
(www.infoq.com) -
Chaos Engineering at LinkedIn: The “LinkedOut” Failure Injection Testing Framework
(www.infoq.com) -
Strict stubs for better dev experience
(itnext.io) -
7 Ways to Improve Your Test Suite with Docker
(blog.codeship.com) -
How we’re winning the battle against flaky tests
(blogs.dropbox.com) -
End-to-end testing React apps with Puppeteer and Jest
(blog.logrocket.com) -
How We Streamlined Serverless Testing
(hackernoon.com) -
Testing Strategies for React and Redux
(hacks.mozilla.org) -
Testing our Confidence: Scaling Software Quality with Automated Testing
(tech.wayfair.com) -
How the end-to-end back-pressure mechanism inside Wallaroo works
(blog.wallaroolabs.com) -
A recipe for website automated tests with Python Selenium & Headless Chrome in Docker
(code.oursky.com) -
How We Test the Stateful Autoscaling of Our Stream Processing System
(blog.wallaroolabs.com) -
Integration and End-to-end Tests Made Easy with Node.js and MongoDB
(www.toptal.com) -
Benchmarking the Disk Speed of IaaSes
(engineering.pivotal.io) -
Excel Snapshot Testing with Node
(spin.atomicobject.com) -
Performance testing a low-latency stream processing system
(blog.wallaroolabs.com) -
Testing Presentational Components
(buildingvts.com) -
How production engineers support global events on Facebook
(code.facebook.com) -
Automatic stubbing of Network Requests to de-flakify Automation Testing
(developers.soundcloud.com) -
Automated Browser Testing With The WebDriver API
(www.smashingmagazine.com) -
Composable Go
(medium.com) -
Testing of Microservices
(labs.spotify.com) -
Ember Timer Leaks: The Bad Apples in Your Test Infrastructure
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
Unit Testing Phoenix Controllers with Mox
(spin.atomicobject.com) -
Techniques for Preventing Software Bugs
(airbrake.io) -
How to Test Your Redux App
(www.wix.engineering) -
5 Advanced Testing Techniques in Go
(segment.com) -
Codeship’s Philosophical Approach to Frontend Testing
(blog.codeship.com) -
Mocking API calls in Python
(auth0.com) -
Unit Testing Redux Connected Components
(hackernoon.com) -
Chaos Testing for Docker Containers
(hackernoon.com) -
Test-driven React.js Development: React.js Unit Testing with Enzyme and Jest
(www.toptal.com) -
Chaos Engineering at Twilio with Ratequeue HA
(twilioinc.wpengine.com) -
Embracing metrics as new tests
(evilmartians.com) -
React integration testing with Enzyme
(engineering.pivotal.io) -
Using State Tables for Testing
(spin.atomicobject.com) -
Redux TDD: a deep dive
(hackernoon.com) -
UI Testing at Squarespace: Part II
(engineering.squarespace.com) -
Open-sourcing RacerD: Fast static race detection at scale
(code.facebook.com) -
UI Testing at Squarespace: Part I
(engineering.squarespace.com) -
Better QA through automated user experience monitoring
(postmarkapp.com) -
Register: Better In App Billing Testing on Android
(open.nytimes.com) -
Testing for Application Front End Performance with Web Page Test
(blog.developer.bazaarvoice.com) -
How Apache Kafka is Tested
(www.confluent.io) -
An Introduction to Load Testing
(www.digitalocean.com) -
The Ember Run Loop and Asynchronous Testing
(medium.com) -
End to end testing from the trenches with Protractor
(blog.octo.com) -
Auto-suppressing Tests for More Reliable Code in our Android App
(engineeringblog.yelp.com) -
Factories or fixtures? Give me both!
(evilmartians.com) -
Smoke Testing with Swagger
(medium.com) -
Introducing Regressr – An Open Source Command Line Tool to Regression Test HTTP Services
(www.ebaytechblog.com) -
An Introduction to Headless Browser Testing and Integration with Jenkins
(blog.avenuecode.com) -
Running feature specs with Capybara and Chrome headless
(drivy.engineering) -
Two Resources for Introducing Young Developers to Testing and Quality