Tagged | migration
How Uber Migrated Financial Data from DynamoDB to Docstore
(eng.uber.com)#software-engineering #software-architecture #DBMS #migration #data-engineering
Changing the Wheels on a Moving Bus — Spotify’s Event Delivery Migration
(engineering.atspotify.com) -
Goodbye Colocated Data Centers: How We Moved Postmark to AWS
(postmarkapp.com) -
Article: GitHub’s Journey From Monolith to Microservices
(www.infoq.com)#software-engineering #software-architecture #microservices #migration
New Recruiter & Jobs: The largest enterprise data migration at LinkedIn
(engineering.linkedin.com)#software-engineering #software-architecture #practices #migration
Migrating Facebook to MySQL 8.0
(engineering.fb.com) -
Data store migrations with no downtime
(medium.com) -
GitLab's data migration process for Advanced Search
(about.gitlab.com) -
CSS Container Queries: Use-Cases And Migration Strategies
(smashingmagazine.com) -
Presentation: From Monolith to Microservices
(www.infoq.com)#software-engineering #software-architecture #microservices #migration
Monolith to Microservices: Migrating Snap’s Architecture Using a Service Mesh
(www.infoq.com) -
A case study on the migration of Housings’ application servers
(medium.com) -
Embrace and Replace: Migrating ZooKeeper into Kubernetes
(product.hubspot.com) -
Migrating to React land: Gatsby
(blog.cloudflare.com) -
A Tale About Migrating a PostgreSQL Database Between Different DBaaS Providers
(www.percona.com) -
MuleSoft’s Online Migration on DynamoDB
(engineering.salesforce.com) -
Data Migrations Don’t Have to Come with Downtime
(engblog.nextdoor.com) -
How Smashing Magazine Manages Content: Migration From WordPress To JAMStack
(www.smashingmagazine.com) -
How we migrated to Google Cloud
(devblog.songkick.com)#software-engineering #software-architecture #practices #migration #cloud
Successfully porting complex data-driven frontends to React with GraphQL
(levelup.gitconnected.com) -
Reliably Upgrading Apache Airflow at Slack’s Scale
(slack.engineering) -
How to migrate a database schema at scale
(blog.logrocket.com) -
CloudFormation To Terraform
(deliveroo.engineering) -
Go + Services = One Goliath Project
(engineering.khanacademy.org) -
Migrating a Live IoT Telemetry Backend
(getaround.tech) -
Views From The Cloud: A History of Spotify’s Journey to the Cloud, Part 1
(labs.spotify.com) -
Migrating the Guardian website to React
(www.theguardian.com) -
Migrating to GraphQL at Airbnb
(www.infoq.com) -
Migration Complete – Amazon’s Consumer Business Just Turned off its Final Oracle Database
(aws.amazon.com) -
Frankenstein Migration: Framework-Agnostic Approach (Part 2)
(www.smashingmagazine.com) -
Presentation: The Not-So-Straightforward Road From Microservices to Serverless
(www.infoq.com)#software-architecture #microservices #serverless #migration #cloud
Migrating our ETL pipeline to Luigi on a Cloud
(devblog.songkick.com) -
Jade to React: using prod validation to make modernization safe, fast, and fun
(benchling.engineering) -
Adopting GraphQL and Apollo in a Legacy Application
(tech.trello.com) -
What Bitbucket learned from migrating its unit testing tool
(blog.developer.atlassian.com) -
Presentation: From Monolith to Observable Microservices using DDD
(www.infoq.com)#software-engineering #software-architecture #microservices #migration
Migrating Functionality Between Large-scale Production Systems Seamlessly
(eng.uber.com) -
How to Tackle API-First Redesigns for Legacy Applications
(nordicapis.com) -
Safely Rewriting Mixpanel’s Highest Throughput Service in Golang
(engineering.mixpanel.com)#software-engineering #software-design #scaling #GoLang #migration
How We Migrated To Turbolinks Without Breaking Javascript
(www.honeybadger.io) -
Migrating a microservice to Spring WebFlux
(allegro.tech) -
Migration from Redshift to Snowflake — The path for success
(tech.instacart.com) -
3 Strategies for implementing a microservices architecture
(about.gitlab.com) -
Migrating a Big Data Environment to the Cloud, Part 4
(liveramp.com)#software-architecture #big-data #migration #cloud #data-engineering
Migrating a Big Data Environment to the Cloud, Part 3
(liveramp.com) -
The road to Rails 5
(about.gitlab.com) -
GitLab’s journey from Azure to GCP
(about.gitlab.com) -
Legacies Never Die: How to Handle Legacy Code
(www.olioapps.com) -
Presentation: Airbnb’s Great Migration: Building Services at Scale
(www.infoq.com) -
Natura’s Short and Straight Road from Cassandra to Scylla
(www.scylladb.com) -
Migrating a Retail Monolith to Microservices: Sebastian Gauder at MicroXchg Berlin
(www.infoq.com) -
Out with the old, in with the new! Part 1 - Replacing legacy components without down time
(tech.just-eat.com)#software-engineering #software-architecture #microservices #migration
Presentation: Getting from Monolith to Microservices
(www.infoq.com) -
Improving WordPress Code With Modern PHP
(www.smashingmagazine.com) -
The Challenging Migration from Heroku to Google Kubernetes Engine
(blog.algolia.com)#software-engineering #automation #migration #backend #cloud
User Migration: The Definitive Guide
(developer.okta.com) -
Moving from Ruby to Rust
(deliveroo.engineering) -
Incrementally migrating over one million lines of code from Python 2 to Python 3
(blogs.dropbox.com) -
Move fast and migrate things: how we automated migrations in Postgres
(benchling.engineering) -
Article: Rewriting an API Gateway Service from Clojure to Golang: AppsFlyer Experience Report
(www.infoq.com) -
Migrating Kafka's Zookeeper With No Downtime
(engineeringblog.yelp.com) -
Porting 30K Lines of Code from Flow to TypeScript
(www.memsql.com) -
Why VTS is Moving Off of AngularJS
(buildingvts.com)#software-engineering #javascript #reactJS #migration #frontend
Bye bye Mongo, Hello Postgres | Digital blog
(www.theguardian.com) -
Presentation: Building Resilience in Production Migrations
(www.infoq.com) -
Presentation: The Great Migration: From Monolith to Service-oriented
(www.infoq.com) -
Why We Decided to Rewrite Uber’s Driver App
(eng.uber.com) -
Presentation: Goodbye REST APIs. Hello GraphQL!
(www.infoq.com) -
Reflecting on Wayfair’s Conversion to React and Redux: Seven Months Later
(tech.wayfair.com) -
Presentation: AutoCAD & WebAssembly: Moving a 30 Year Code Base to the Web
(www.infoq.com) -
How we rolled out one of the largest Python 3 migrations ever
(blogs.dropbox.com) -
Removing jQuery from GitHub.com frontend
(githubengineering.com) -
Zero Downtime Table Migrations using a Double Write Methodology
(engineering.gusto.com) -
Presentation: Forced Evolution: Shopify's Journey to Kubernetes
(www.infoq.com) -
Migrating Messenger storage to optimize performance
(code.fb.com) -
Article: How BuzzFeed Migrated from a Perl Monolith to Go and Python Microservices
(www.infoq.com) -
Short Story of a Long Migration
(jobs.zalando.com) -
From Express.js to AWS Lambda: Migrating existing Node.js applications to serverless
(hackernoon.com) -
2 Fast 2 Furious: migrating Medium’s codebase without slowing down
(medium.engineering) -
Migrating from Heroku to AWS with kubernates and without stopping production
(hackernoon.com) -
Database Migrations: Turning Caterpillars into Butterflies
(www.toptal.com) -
What to expect when you decide to migrate from Javascript to Typescript
(advancedweb.hu) -
Code Migration in Production: Rewriting the Sharding Layer of Uber’s Schemaless Datastore
(eng.uber.com) -
Migrating to Microservices and Event-Sourcing: the Dos and Dont’s
(hackernoon.com)#software-architecture #microservices #migration #event-sourcing
Reflecting on Wayfair’s Conversion to React and Redux
(tech.wayfair.com) -
Technical Challenges We Encountered When Moving to a Serverless Architecture in AWS
(technology.skybettingandgaming.com) -
Migrating WeMove.co from Azure to Ubuntu VM on Digital Ocean
(hackernoon.com) -
Advice on Freeing Features From a Monolith
(techblog.expedia.com) -
From 200K lines of CoffeeScript to zero: making decaffeinate super-stable
(benchling.engineering) -
Selecting a Cloud Provider
(codeascraft.com) -
Technical Challenges We Encountered When Moving to a Serverless Architecture in AWS
(engineering.skybettingandgaming.com) -
How Our Service Mesh Eased Migrating From Mesos To Kubernetes
(code.hootsuite.com) -
Our Top 4 Tips for Massive Data Migrations
(engineering.salesforce.com) -
Migrating Large Enterprise to NodeJS
(medium.com) -
From on-prem to AWS to ECS and beyond. The past 5 years at Arthrex Digital Media.
(hackernoon.com) -
Play by Play: Moving the NYT Games Platform to GCP With Zero Downtime
(open.nytimes.com) -
Moving Your App to the Cloud
(auth0.com) -
Migrating Angular 1.x apps to React — The Hybrid Way!
(medium.com) -
Integrating React in a 6+ Year Old Rails App
(blog.codeship.com) -
Migrating towards Yarn and Webpack
(engineering.wingify.com) -
Lessons from migrating a large codebase to React 16
(blog.discordapp.com) -
React 16: A look inside an API-compatible rewrite of our frontend UI library
(code.facebook.com) -
TypeScript at Lyft
(eng.lyft.com) -
Our journey from Redis 2 to Redis 3 while not taking the site down.
(engineering.skybettingandgaming.com) -
Migrating a database from InnoDB to MyRocks
(code.facebook.com) -
9 Tips for a Painless Microservices Migration
(engineering.invisionapp.com) -
Behind the Scenes of our Transition to a Multi-Cloud Environment
(metamarkets.com) -
Moving Real-Time Data Flow Across Cloud Providers
(metamarkets.com) -
Moving The New York Times Games Platform to Google App Engine
(open.nytimes.com) -
Why Morningstar Moved to the Cloud: 97% Cost Reduction
(highscalability.com) -
Migrating Existing Datastores
(engineering.grab.com) -
Change 100M URLs and live to tell
(www.wix.engineering) -
Migrating From Oracle to Espresso
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
API, Zero Downtime Deployment and SQL Migration: Theory and Case Study
(blog.octo.com) -
From MongoDB to DynamoDB