Tagged | noSQL
iFood Relies on Scylla to Deliver Over 100 Million Events a Month to Restaurants
(www.scylladb.com) -
Powering Pinterest Ads Analytics with Apache Druid
(stackshare.io) -
Couchbase Mobile: The Power of NoSQL on the Edge
(hackernoon.com) -
Pilosa: A Scalable High Performance Bitmap Database Index
(hackernoon.com) -
Grafana Labs at KubeCon: Awesome Query Performance with Cortex
(grafana.com)#software-architecture #DBMS #noSQL #performance #data-engineering
Monitoring at eBay with Druid
(www.ebayinc.com) -
Workload Prioritization: Running OLTP and OLAP Traffic on the Same Superhighway
(www.scylladb.com) -
Partition Management in Hadoop
(blog.cloudera.com) -
Natura’s Short and Straight Road from Cassandra to Scylla
(www.scylladb.com) -
Pre-Modern Databases: OLTP, OLAP, and NoSQL
(www.memsql.com) -
Apache Druid (part 1): A Scalable Timeseries OLAP Database System
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Lessons from our journey to enable global code search with Elasticsearch on GitLab.com
(about.gitlab.com) -
Discord, on the Joy of Opinionated Systems
(www.scylladb.com) -
Apache Solr: Because your Database is not a Search Engine
(itnext.io) -
In-Memory Scylla, or Racing the Red Queen
(www.scylladb.com) -
ValuStor — a memcached alternative built on Scylla
(www.scylladb.com) -
Scylla Summit Video: Grab and Scylla Driving Southeast Asia Forward
(www.scylladb.com) -
Why are we getting Streams in Redis?
(blog.logrocket.com) -
Why we built CockroachDB on top of RocksDB
(www.cockroachlabs.com) -
Should You Use ClickHouse as a Main Operational Database?
(www.percona.com) -
Why And How We Built a Temporal Database System Called SirixDB (Open Source) From Scratch
(hackernoon.com) -
MongoDB Engines: MMAPV1 Vs WiredTiger
(www.percona.com) -
Article: Back to the Future with Relational NoSQL
(www.infoq.com) -
Scaling Time Series Data Storage — Part II
(medium.com) -
More Efficient Range Scan Paging with Scylla 3.0
(www.scylladb.com) -
Causal guarantees are anything but casual
(engineering.mongodb.com) -
Introducing HaloDB, a fast, embedded key-value storage engine written in Java
(yahooeng.tumblr.com) -
Goku: Building a scalable and high performant time series database system
(medium.com) -
Introducing Oak: an Open Source Scalable Key-Value Map for Big Data Analytics
(yahooeng.tumblr.com) -
The Anna Key-Value Store Now Has 355x the Performance of DynamoDB for the Dollar
(highscalability.com) -
Article: A Critique of Resizable Hash Tables: Riak Core & Random Slicing
(www.infoq.com)#software-architecture #algorithms #noSQL #distributed-systems #systems
TimescaleDB vs. InfluxDB: purpose built differently for time-series data
(blog.timescale.com) -
Herb: Multi-DC Replication Engine for Uber’s Schemaless Datastore
(eng.uber.com) -
Distributed graphs processing with Spark GraphX
(hackernoon.com) -
MongoDB Indexes and Performance
(hackernoon.com) -
Evolution of Couchbase at LinkedIn
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
Then and Now: The Rethinking of Time Series Data at Wayfair
(tech.wayfair.com) -
Venice Performance Optimization
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
Shattering the Trillion-Rows-Per-Second Barrier With MemSQL
(blog.memsql.com) -
Learn How to Build a Time Series Database
(www.scylladb.com) -
Improving Mongo performance by managing indexes
(mixmax.com) -
Common MongoDB Topologies
(www.percona.com) -
Machine Learning Anomaly Scoring and Elasticsearch - How it Works
(www.elastic.co) -
7 Rules for Planning Your Queries for Maximum Performance
(www.scylladb.com) -
How Hinted Handoff Works in Scylla
(www.scylladb.com) -
Scalable, Distributed Secondary Indexing in Scylla
(www.scylladb.com) -
Row Stores vs. Column Stores: Why not use both?
(code.hootsuite.com) -
To SQL or not to SQL
(capgemini.github.io) -
Why SQL is beating NoSQL, and what this means for the future of data
(blog.timescale.com) -
Druid and Spark Together – Mixing Analytics Workflows
(metamarkets.com) -
It’s Okay To Store Data In Apache Kafka
(www.confluent.io) -
Massive Parallel Log Processing with ClickHouse
(www.percona.com) -
Partitioning Behavior of DynamoDB
(blog.codeship.com) -
The Total Newbie’s Guide to Cassandra
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
The Cross-Cloud Migration
(www.cockroachlabs.com) -
Leveraging the Power of a Database ‘Unbundled’
(www.confluent.io) -
Implementing Temporal Graphs with Apache TinkerPop and HGraphDB
(blog.cloudera.com) -
Working with DynamoDB
(blog.codeship.com) -
Running Hank on AWS
(liveramp.com) -
Ingest, Store and Analyze IoT Analytics in Realtime with mnubo
(www.pubnub.com) -
Migrating From Oracle to Espresso
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
Breaking the “curse of dimensionality” in Genomics using “wide” Random Forests
(databricks.com) -
Modeling has_many Relationships with DynamoDB
(blog.codeship.com) -
Building the Activity Graph, Part 2
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
Inventory Time Machine
(multithreaded.stitchfix.com) -
A Practical Introduction to Elasticsearch
(www.elastic.co) -
MongoDB Indexing Types: How, When and Where Should They Be Used?
(www.percona.com) -
Deep learning on Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop with Deeplearning4j
(blog.cloudera.com) -
Level-based Compaction Changes
(rocksdb.org) -
The Limits of the CAP Theorem