Tagged | deep-learning
ICLR Invited Talk on Geometric Deep Learning
(blog.twitter.com) -
Recursive Classification: Replacing Rewards with Examples in RL
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Chip Design with Deep Reinforcement Learning
(ai.googleblog.com) -
uDepth: Real-time 3D Depth Sensing on the Pixel 4
(ai.googleblog.com)#deep-learning #image-processing #hardware #sensors #research
Analysis of Computer Vision Techniques in Malware Classification
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Advancing Self-Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning with SimCLR
(ai.googleblog.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #research
Improving Audio Quality in Duo with WaveNetEQ
(ai.googleblog.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #audio-processing #research
A Human-centric Approach for Evaluating Visual Search Models
(tech.ebayinc.com) -
Accelerating Python for Exotic Option Pricing
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Reducing the Carbon Foot Prints of CNNs at the cost of interactions-Depthwise & Pointwise Conv..
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #research
Deep Learning based Super Resolution with OpenCV
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Introducing Dreamer: Scalable Reinforcement Learning Using World Models
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Architecture comparison of AlexNet, VGGNet, ResNet, Inception, DenseNet
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Multi-GPU Training in Pytorch
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Program Synthesis in AI
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #dev-tools #software-engineering #machine-learning
Beyond fashion: Deep Learning with Catalyst
(evilmartians.com)#data-pipeline #deep-learning #software-engineering #image-processing
Ultra-High Resolution Image Analysis with Mesh-TensorFlow
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Deep Transfer Learning for Image Classification
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Setting Fairness Goals with the TensorFlow Constrained Optimization Library
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Building Blip: behind the scenes of our anomaly detection prototype
(blog.fastforwardlabs.com) -
First Order Motion Model
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #data-science #machine-learning #image-processing
Building an Incremental Recommender System
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Presentation: Breakthroughs and the Future of (Deep) Reinforcement Learning
(www.infoq.com) -
Learning to See Transparent Objects
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection
(blog.fastforwardlabs.com) -
Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection
(blog.cloudera.com) -
Modelling tabular data with Google’s TabNet
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Releasing the Drosophila Hemibrain Connectome — The Largest Synapse-Resolution Map of Brain Connectivity
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Hitting the Gym With Neural Networks: Implementing a CNN to Classify Gym Equipment
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
Accelerating Wide & Deep Recommender Inference on GPUs
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
ReCNet: Deep Learning based Cross-class Recommendations at Wayfair
(tech.wayfair.com) -
Developing Deep Learning Models for Chest X-rays with Adjudicated Image Labels
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Deep Clustering for Financial Market Segmentation
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep Learning Algorithms and Brain-Computer Interfaces
(towardsdatascience.com) -
How to Train StyleGAN to Generate Realistic Faces
(towardsdatascience.com) -
On-Device Captioning with Live Caption
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Learning to Smell: Using Deep Learning to Predict the Olfactory Properties of Molecules
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Understanding Neural Machine Translation: Encoder-Decoder Architecture
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Protect your Deep Neural Network by Embedding Watermarks!
(towardsdatascience.com) -
The Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Deep Prognosis: Predicting Mortality in the ICU
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
Detecting Stop Signs and Traffic Signals: Deep Learning at Lyft Mapping
(eng.lyft.com) -
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Drones in 3D realistic environments
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Interpretable Machine Learning for Image Classification with LIME
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Speeding up Deep Clustering with Concrete GMVAEs
(product.hubspot.com) -
Recognizing Depth in Autonomous Driving
(towardsdatascience.com) -
DeepLabv3: Semantic Image Segmentation
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Facebook Open-Sources RoBERTa: an Improved Natural Language Processing Model
(www.infoq.com) -
Using Deep Learning to Inform Differential Diagnoses of Skin Diseases
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Presentation: Automating Software Development with Deep Learning
(www.infoq.com) -
Understanding deep neural networks
(www.oreilly.com) -
Recursive Sketches for Modular Deep Learning
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Presentation: Automating Machine Learning and Deep Learning Workflows
(www.infoq.com)#deep-learning #software-engineering #machine-learning #kubernetes
Presentation: From Research to Production With PyTorch
(www.infoq.com) -
Presentation: Getting Started in Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0
(www.infoq.com) -
How (Not) To Scale Deep Learning in 6 Easy Steps
(databricks.com) -
Video Analysis with Tensor Decomposition in Python
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #image-processing #python #media #video-processing
Presentation: Deep Learning for Recommender Systems
(www.infoq.com) -
Video Understanding Using Temporal Cycle-Consistency Learning
(ai.googleblog.com) -
A Comprehensive Guide to Correlational Neural Network with Keras
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Robust Neural Machine Translation
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Major trends in NLP: a review of 20 years of ACL research
(towardsdatascience.com) -
How Do Neural Style Transfers Work?
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Holistic Large Scale Video Understanding
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Double Deep Q Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Similar Images Recommendations using FastAi and Annoy
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep Active Noise Cancellation
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Presentation: Deep Learning with Audio Signals: Prepare, Process, Design, Expect
(www.infoq.com) -
Presentation: DeepRacer and DeepLens, Machine Learning for Fun! (and Profit?)
(www.infoq.com) -
Self Attention and Transformers
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Predicting the Generalization Gap in Deep Neural Networks
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Generating High-Resolution Images Using Autoregressive Models
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Presentation: Document Digitization: Rethinking OCR with Machine Learning
(www.infoq.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #neural-net
DLRM: An advanced, open source deep learning recommendation model
(ai.facebook.com) -
Neural Network Optimization
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Distributed Deep Learning Pipelines with PySpark and Keras
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Presentation: Debuggable Deep Learning
(www.infoq.com) -
Introducing Complete the Look: a scene-based complementary recommendation system
(medium.com) -
Presentation: wav2letter++: Facebook's Fast Open-source Speech Recognition System
(www.infoq.com)#deep-learning #data-science #NLP #audio-processing #research
Applying AutoML to Transformer Architectures
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Presentation: Applying Deep Learning to Airbnb Search
(www.infoq.com)#deep-learning #data-science #machine-learning #search #big-data
Wasserstein GAN in Swift for TensorFlow
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Presentation: Ludwig: A Code-Free Deep Learning Toolbox
(www.infoq.com) -
Presentation: Deep Learning on Microcontrollers
(www.infoq.com) -
Advanced Topics in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Moving Camera, Moving People: A Deep Learning Approach to Depth Prediction
(ai.googleblog.com)#deep-learning #data-science #AI #image-processing #research
Releasing Pythia for vision and language multimodal AI models
(code.fb.com) -
End-to-End Object Detection for Furniture Using Deep Learning
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
Graph Convolutional Networks for Geometric Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #data-science #algorithms #neural-net #research
The Inherent Insecurity in Neural Networks and Machine Learning Based Applications
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Presentation: Understanding Deep Learning
(www.infoq.com) -
Evolving Deep Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
How WaveNet Works
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep Learning for Single Cell Biology
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Using Deep Learning for finger-vein based biometric authentication
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #data-science #image-processing #research #biotech
An intuitive understanding of the LAMB optimizer
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Zilic: Detect any disease with machine learning
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #data-science #machine-learning #image-processing #biotech
What is Geometric Deep Learning?
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Differentiable Architecture Search for RNN with fastai
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Detecting Retina Damage from OCT-Retinal Images
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Avro2TF: An Open Source Feature Transformation Engine for TensorFlow
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
Using Deep Learning to Improve Usability on Mobile Devices
(ai.googleblog.com) -
AutoML for Data Augmentation
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
BERT in Keras with Tensorflow hub
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Fast AI Assisted Annotation and Transfer Learning with Clara Train
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Finding similar images using Deep learning and Locality Sensitive Hashing
(towardsdatascience.com) -
An Introduction to Meta-Learning
(medium.com) -
U-Net deep learning colourisation of greyscale images
(towardsdatascience.com) -
(engineering.linecorp.com) -
Handtrack.js: Hand Tracking Interactions in the Browser using Tensorflow.js and 3 lines of code.
(hackernoon.com)#deep-learning #javascript #image-processing #tensor-flow #CV
Understand how your TensorFlow Model is Making Predictions
(towardsdatascience.com) -
3 reasons to add deep learning to your time series toolkit
(www.oreilly.com) -
Real-time Finger Detection
(becominghuman.ai) -
Introducing PlaNet: A Deep Planning Network for Reinforcement Learning
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Deep Compression: Optimization Techniques for Inference & Efficiency
(towardsdatascience.com) -
XLM — Enhancing BERT for Cross-lingual Language Model
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Introducing Ludwig, a Code-Free Deep Learning Toolbox
(eng.uber.com) -
Review: SegNet (Semantic Segmentation)
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Massively Scale Your Deep Learning Training with NCCL 2.4
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Making an interactive UMAP visualization of the MNIST data set
(blog.fastforwardlabs.com) -
Bias-Variance for Deep Reinforcement Learning: How To Build a Bot for Atari with OpenAI Gym
(www.digitalocean.com) -
VAEs! Generating images with Tensorflow
(towardsdatascience.com) -
One Shot Learning with Siamese Networks using Keras
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Expanding the Application of Deep Learning to Electronic Health Records
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Soft Actor-Critic: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotics
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Creating a Zoo of Atari-Playing Agents to Catalyze the Understanding of Deep Reinforcement Learning
(eng.uber.com) -
Multitask learning in TensorFlow with the Head API
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #tensor-flow
Generating Haiku with Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
SlowFast Explained - Dual-mode CNN for Video Understanding
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Real-Time Noise Suppression Using Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #signal-processing #AI #GPU #audio-processing
Open-sourcing DeepFocus, an AI-powered system for more realistic VR images
(code.fb.com) -
Improving the Effectiveness of Diabetic Retinopathy Models
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Grasp2Vec: Learning Object Representations from Self-Supervised Grasping
(ai.googleblog.com) -
On integrating symbolic inference into deep neural networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
TF-Ranking: A Scalable TensorFlow Library for Learning-to-Rank
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Presentation: Deep Representation: Building a Semantic Image Search Engine
(www.infoq.com) -
Deep image understanding at Carousell
(medium.com) -
Audio Classification using FastAI and On-the-Fly Frequency Transforms
(towardsdatascience.com) -
A Structured Approach to Unsupervised Depth Learning from Monocular Videos
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Handling Imbalanced Datasets in Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Toward a deeper understanding of the way AI agents see things
(code.fb.com) -
Improved Grading of Prostate Cancer Using Deep Learning
(ai.googleblog.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #classifier
Presentation: Big Data and Deep Learning: A Tale of Two Systems
(www.infoq.com) -
A Comprehensive Hands-on Guide to Transfer Learning with Real-World Applications in Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Breaking the Boundaries of Intelligent Video Analytics with DeepStream SDK 3.0
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Splitting Millions of Source Code Identifiers with Deep Learning
(blog.sourced.tech) -
How to Speed Up Deep Learning Inference Using TensorRT
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Open-sourcing FBGEMM for state-of-the-art server-side inference
(code.fb.com) -
Applying Deep Learning To Airbnb Search
(medium.com) -
Deep (Double) Q-Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Real-Time Noise Suppression Using Deep Learning
(devblogs.nvidia.com)#deep-learning #algorithms #mobile #real-time #audio-processing
Deep Learning for Classifying Hotel Aesthetics Photos
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Decoded Entity Embeddings of Categorical Variables in Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Scaling up with Distributed Tensorflow on Spark
(towardsdatascience.com) -
QNNPACK: Open source library for optimized mobile deep learning
(code.fb.com) -
Detecting fake video needs to start with video authentication
(hackernoon.com) -
YouTube Is Making Machines Really Smart
(hackernoon.com) -
Applying Customer Feedback: How NLP & Deep Learning Improve Uber’s Maps
(eng.uber.com) -
Raster Vision: A New Open Source Framework for Deep Learning on Satellite and Aerial Imagery
(www.azavea.com) -
Applying Deep Learning to Metastatic Breast Cancer Detection
(ai.googleblog.com) -
The 4 Convolutional Neural Network Models That Can Classify Your Fashion Images
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #neural-net
DeepGL on Neo4j
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Introducing Petastorm: Uber ATG’s Data Access Library for Deep Learning
(eng.uber.com)#data-pipeline #deep-learning #software-architecture #big-data
Semantic Segmentation with Deep Learning: A guide and code
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep learning made easier with transfer learning
(blog.fastforwardlabs.com) -
NVIDIA TensorRT Inference Server Boosts Deep Learning Inference
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Shop the Look with Deep Learning
(jobs.zalando.com) -
Video: Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks in TensorRT
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Forecasting at Uber: An Introduction
(ubereng.wpengine.com) -
Coding Deep Learning for Beginners — Linear Regression: Gradient Descent
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Scaling Uber’s Customer Support Ticket Assistant (COTA) System with Deep Learning
(eng.uber.com)#data-pipeline #deep-learning #data-science #software-architecture
Presentation: Deep Learning for Application Performance Optimization
(www.infoq.com) -
A simple and intuitive explanation of Hinton’s Capsule Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Tensor Ops Made Easier in cuDNN
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
DeepSig: Deep Learning for Wireless Communications
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Facebook Research at KDD 2018
(research.fb.com) -
Deep learning for specific information extraction from unstructured texts
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Faster Deep Learning: Optimal DNN Primitives
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Specialized hardware for deep learning will unleash innovation
(www.oreilly.com) -
Accelerated Training and Inference with the Tensorflow Object Detection API
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Logo detection in Images using SSD
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Feature-wise transformations
(distill.pub) -
From shallow to deep learning in fraud
(eng.lyft.com) -
The unreasonable effectiveness of Deep Learning Representations
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
Sentence Classification using CNN with Deep Learning Studio
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Advanced DQNs: Playing Pac-man with Deep Reinforcement Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
GUI Testing Powered by Deep Learning
(www.ebayinc.com) -
Scalable Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Maximizing NVIDIA DGX with Kubernetes
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Detecting image similarity using Spark, LSH and TensorFlow
(medium.com) -
Facebook open sources DensePose
(research.fb.com) -
Twitter meets TensorFlow
(blog.twitter.com) -
DeepMind’s Amazing Mix & Match RL Technique
(hackernoon.com) -
Code2Pix - Deep Learning Compiler for Graphical User Interfaces
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Data Augmentation Experimentation
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Intuitively Understanding Convolutions for Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Improving Deep Learning Performance with AutoAugment
(ai.googleblog.com) -
How To Create Natural Language Semantic Search For Arbitrary Objects With Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Fashion-MNIST with Deep Learning Studio:A Nonconformist approach towards Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Wide Residual Networks with Interactive Code
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Categorizing Listing Photos at Airbnb
(medium.com) -
Siamese Network & Triplet Loss
(towardsdatascience.com) -
An Augmented Reality Microscope for Cancer Detection
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) for Time Series Forecasting Using Tensorflow - Part 1
(blog.avenuecode.com) -
Deep Learning for Electronic Health Records
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real-World Tasks Over the Phone
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Advancing state-of-the-art image recognition with deep learning on hashtags
(code.facebook.com) -
Building a more inclusive way to search
(medium.com) -
Build Your First Deep Learning Classifier using TensorFlow: Dog Breed Example
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep Learning and a New Programming Paradigm
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep learning in your browser: A brisk guide
(towardsdatascience.com) -
DeepVariant Accuracy Improvements for Genetic Datatypes
(research.googleblog.com) -
Introducing Semantic Experiences with Talk to Books and Semantris
(research.googleblog.com) -
Looking to Listen: Audio-Visual Speech Separation
(research.googleblog.com) -
Differentiable Plasticity: A New Method for Learning to Learn
(eng.uber.com) -
Hyper-parameters in action!
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Entity extraction using Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Using Machine Learning to Discover Neural Network Optimizers
(research.googleblog.com) -
Convolutional Neural Network to steer a vehicle inside a game
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Paper Repro: Deep Neuroevolution
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Music by means of natural selection
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep Learning for Time Series Prediction in Epidemiology
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Storage Performance Basics for Deep Learning
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Using Deep Learning to Facilitate Scientific Image Analysis
(research.googleblog.com) -
How I implemented iPhone X’s FaceID using Deep Learning in Python.
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Using Deep Learning to improve FIFA 18 graphics
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Semantic Image Segmentation with DeepLab in Tensorflow
(research.googleblog.com) -
Exploring DeepFakes
(hackernoon.com) -
Building a Next Word Predictor in Tensorflow
(towardsdatascience.com) -
How to build a deep learning model in 15 minutes
(tech.instacart.com) -
How to use deep-learning to quantify pollinator behavior I
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Under the hood: Suicide prevention tools powered by AI
(code.facebook.com) -
Neural Voice Cloning with a Few Samples
(research.baidu.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #audio-processing #research
Using Deep Learning for Structured Data with Entity Embeddings
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Assessing Cardiovascular Risk Factors with Computer Vision
(research.googleblog.com) -
Solving SpaceNet Road Detection Challenge With Deep Learning
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Building deep learning neural networks using TensorFlow layers
(www.oreilly.com) -
Announcing Tensor Comprehensions
(research.fb.com) -
Automatic feature engineering using deep learning and Bayesian inference
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep Learning with Python
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Building a Deep Neural Net In Google Sheets
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Using deep learning to generate offensive license plates
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Cross-Lingual End-to-End Product Search with Deep Learning
(jobs.zalando.com) -
Learning Artistic Styles from Images
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep Functor
(becominghuman.ai) -
Deep Generative Models
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Practical Text Generation with Tensorflow Serving
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Building a Deep Neural Network to play FIFA 18
(towardsdatascience.com) -
How to write some Walt Whitman style poetry using Deep Learning
(hackernoon.com) -
Basics of image classification with Keras
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Understanding Learning Rates and How It Improves Performance in Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
The 3 Tricks That Made AlphaGo Zero Work
(hackernoon.com) -
Introduction to LSTMs with TensorFlow
(www.oreilly.com) -
Deep learning for sensor-based human activity recognition
(becominghuman.ai) -
How to build a deep learning server based on Docker
(becominghuman.ai) -
Medical Imaging Meets NIPS: A summary
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Predicting Land Use in the Amazon using Deep Learning
(www.azavea.com) -
Towards Forms Text Recognition using Deep Learning
(becominghuman.ai) -
From Perceptron to Deep Neural Nets
(becominghuman.ai) -
Introduction to Deep Learning Trading in Hedge Funds
(www.toptal.com) -
Meet Artificial Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Understanding CapsNet (Part 1)
(becominghuman.ai)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #neural-net
Distributed TensorFlow
(www.oreilly.com) -
A distributed computation system for deep learning experiments with Docker Compose and RabbitMQ.
(deezer.io) -
Welcoming the Era of Deep Neuroevolution
(eng.uber.com) -
Deep Learning with PyTorch and GPUs on DC/OS
(mesosphere.com) -
Simple Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Network — Deep Learning in python.
(becominghuman.ai) -
Uber Drives Distributed Deep Learning Forward
(mesosphere.com) -
PaddlePaddle Fluid: Elastic Deep Learning on Kubernetes
(research.baidu.com) -
Deep Learning Scaling is Predictable, Empirically
(research.baidu.com) -
Word Embeddings with Gensim
(becominghuman.ai) -
TensorRT 3: Faster TensorFlow Inference and Volta Support
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
DeepVariant: Highly Accurate Genomes With Deep Neural Networks
(research.googleblog.com) -
Using Artificial Intelligence to Augment Human Intelligence
(distill.pub) -
Facebook showcases latest research at NIPS 2017
(research.fb.com) -
Machine Learning WAVE Files with TensorFlow
(becominghuman.ai)#deep-learning #machine-learning #tensor-flow #audio-processing
Uncovering the Intuition behind Capsule Networks and Inverse Graphics: Part I
(hackernoon.com) -
Google at NIPS 2017
(research.googleblog.com) -
Interpreting Deep Neural Networks with SVCCA
(research.googleblog.com) -
The Incredible Convergence Of Deep Learning And Genomics
(hackernoon.com) -
Getting Started with TensorFlow: A Machine Learning Tutorial
(www.toptal.com) -
Representation learning and language
(becominghuman.ai) -
Deep Learning in Courier: Thoughts, Tips And Whatnot
(becominghuman.ai) -
GANs for Simulation, Representation and Inference
(becominghuman.ai) -
Improving TripAdvisor Photo Selection With Deep Learning
(engineering.tripadvisor.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #classifier
On-Device Conversational Modeling with TensorFlow Lite
(research.googleblog.com) -
Human Pose Matching on mobile — a fun application using Human Pose Estimation (Part 1 Intro)
(becominghuman.ai)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #video-processing
Understand and apply CapsNet on Traffic sign classification
(becominghuman.ai) -
State of Deep Learning in Computer Vision
(tech.showmax.com) -
Generative Adversarial Networks — A Deep Learning Architecture
(becominghuman.ai) -
Machine Learning: Handbag Brand and Color Detection using Deep Neural Networks.
(technology.condenast.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #classifier
Crash Catcher: Detecting Car Crashes in Video
(blog.insightdatascience.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #neural-net
AutoML for large scale image classification and object detection
(research.googleblog.com) -
Uber AI Labs Open Sources Pyro, a Deep Probabilistic Programming Language
(eng.uber.com)#deep-learning #Probabilistic-programming #framework #opensource
Neural Network Learning Internals(Error Function Surface, Non-Convexity, SGD Optimization)
(becominghuman.ai) -
Beat Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning! (Part 2: DQN improvements)
(becominghuman.ai) -
Training an Architectural Classifier
(hackernoon.com) -
What exactly is deep learning, and how does the magic happen?
(hackernoon.com) -
Traffic Sign Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network
(hackernoon.com) -
Programming Tensor Cores in CUDA 9
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Meet Horovod: Uber’s Open Source Distributed Deep Learning Framework for TensorFlow
(eng.uber.com) -
TensorFlow Lattice: Flexibility Empowered by Prior Knowledge
(research.googleblog.com) -
Mixed-Precision Training of Deep Neural Networks
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
State of Deep Learning in Computer Vision
(tech.showmax.com) -
Mixed Precision Training
(research.baidu.com) -
Training AI for Self-Driving Vehicles: the Challenge of Scale
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Catching up: The Near-future of Commercial AI
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
Solving the Schrödinger equation with deep learning
(becominghuman.ai) -
RNNoise: Using Deep Learning for Noise Suppression
(hacks.mozilla.org)#deep-learning #machine-learning #neural-net #audio-processing
A State-of-the-Art Method for Generating Photo-Realistic Textures in Real Time
(jobs.zalando.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #research
Art’Em - Week 2
(software.intel.com) -
Image Data Pre-Processing for Neural Networks
(becominghuman.ai) -
Behind the Code: Cognitive Highlights at the US Open
(developer.ibm.com) -
Facebook and Microsoft introduce new open ecosystem for interchangeable AI frameworks
(research.fb.com) -
Deep NLP-based Recommenders at Finn.no
(tech.finn.no) -
Deep Learning with Intel’s BigDL and Apache Spark
(blog.cloudera.com) -
Beat Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning! (Part 0: Intro to RL)
(becominghuman.ai) -
A Spatial-Temporal Modeling Framework for Large-scale Video Understanding
(research.baidu.com) -
Deep Learning can tell a gentleman by his shoes | Tensor Flow
(becominghuman.ai) -
Scaling Keras Model Training to Multiple GPUs
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Harness the Power of Machine Learning in Your Browser with Deeplearn.js
(research.googleblog.com) -
Introduction to Imitation Learning
(blog.statsbot.co) -
Sharing new machine learning insights at ICML 2017
(research.fb.com) -
Google at ICML 2017
(research.googleblog.com) -
Transitioning entirely to neural machine translation
(code.facebook.com) -
Machine Learning Translation and the Google Translate Algorithm
(blog.statsbot.co) -
Deep Learning — from Prototype to Production
(becominghuman.ai) -
Deep Learning at GILT
(tech.gilt.com) -
Teaching Robots to Understand Semantic Concepts
(research.googleblog.com) -
Deep Learning for Automated Driving with MATLAB
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Using Deep Learning to Create Professional-Level Photographs
(research.googleblog.com) -
Revisiting the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data
(research.googleblog.com) -
Building Your Own Neural Machine Translation System in TensorFlow
(research.googleblog.com) -
Deep learning on Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop with Deeplearning4j
(blog.cloudera.com) -
Is this metastasis?
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
Using Deep Learning to Reconstruct High-Resolution Audio