Tagged | neural-net
Completing a member knowledge graph with Graph Neural Networks
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
(distill.pub) -
Understanding Convolutions on Graphs
(distill.pub) -
Simple scalable graph neural networks
(blog.twitter.com) -
Introducing causal network motifs: A new approach to identifying heterogeneous spillover effects
(research.fb.com) -
Branch Specialization
(distill.pub) -
Distributed Neural Network Training In Pytorch
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Debugging your Neural Nets and checking your Gradients
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Thread: Circuits
(distill.pub) -
Visualizing Neural Networks with the Grand Tour
(distill.pub) -
Fast and Easy Infinitely Wide Networks with Neural Tangents
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Zoom In: An Introduction to Circuits
(distill.pub) -
Architecture comparison of AlexNet, VGGNet, ResNet, Inception, DenseNet
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Ultra-High Resolution Image Analysis with Mesh-TensorFlow
(ai.googleblog.com) -
How Artificial Neural Networks are Helping Stroke Victims
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Hitting the Gym With Neural Networks: Implementing a CNN to Classify Gym Equipment
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
Generative Teaching Networks: Accelerating Neural Architecture Search by Learning to Generate Synthetic Training Data
(eng.uber.com) -
ReCNet: Deep Learning based Cross-class Recommendations at Wayfair
(tech.wayfair.com) -
Develop Smaller Speech Recognition Models with NVIDIA’s NeMo Framework
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Preparing TIFF images for image translation with Pix2Pix
(towardsdatascience.com) -
How to Train StyleGAN to Generate Realistic Faces
(towardsdatascience.com) -
On-Device Captioning with Live Caption
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Understanding Neural Machine Translation: Encoder-Decoder Architecture
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Protect your Deep Neural Network by Embedding Watermarks!
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Computing Receptive Fields of Convolutional Neural Networks
(distill.pub) -
Tuning Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Animating gAnime with StyleGAN: Part 1
(towardsdatascience.com) -
UNet Line by Line Explanation
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Understanding Fixup initialization
(towardsdatascience.com) -
The end to all blurry pictures
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Project Ihmehimmeli: Temporal Coding in Spiking Neural Networks
(ai.googleblog.com) -
RecoTour II: neural recommendation algorithms
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Understanding deep neural networks
(www.oreilly.com) -
Doing Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with Recurrent Neural Networks
(databricks.com) -
Introducing LCA: Loss Change Allocation for Neural Network Training
(eng.uber.com) -
Transfer Learning from RGB to Multi-band Imagery
(www.azavea.com) -
Exploring Weight Agnostic Neural Networks
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Bi-Tempered Logistic Loss for Training Neural Nets with Noisy Data
(ai.googleblog.com) -
CNN Architectures, a Deep-dive
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Advanced Topics in Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Reverse Image Search with Machine Learning
(techblog.commercetools.com) -
Article: Fraud Detection using Random Forest, Neural Autoencoder, and Isolation Forest techniques
(www.infoq.com) -
EfficientNet-EdgeTPU: Creating Accelerator-Optimized Neural Networks with AutoML
(ai.googleblog.com) -
An Interactive, Automated 3D Reconstruction of a Fly Brain
(ai.googleblog.com) -
A Comprehensive Guide to Correlational Neural Network with Keras
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Illustrated: 10 CNN Architectures
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Robust Neural Machine Translation
(ai.googleblog.com) -
ThisEmoteDoesNotExist: Training a GAN for Twitch Emotes
(blog.twitch.tv) -
How Do Neural Style Transfers Work?
(towardsdatascience.com) -
ArchiGAN: a Generative Stack for Apartment Building Design
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Predicting the Generalization Gap in Deep Neural Networks
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Presentation: Document Digitization: Rethinking OCR with Machine Learning
(www.infoq.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #neural-net
This New Google Technique Help Us Understand How Neural Networks are Thinking
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep Domain Adaptation In Computer Vision
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Creating an Object Detection Pipeline for GPUs
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Presentation: Scaling Deep Learning to Petaflops and Beyond!
(www.infoq.com) -
Combating Adversarial Attacks with a Barrage of Random Transforms (BaRT)
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Applying AutoML to Transformer Architectures
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Advanced Topics in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Speech Emotion Recognition with Convolution Neural Network
(towardsdatascience.com)#signal-processing #machine-learning #NLP #neural-net #audio-processing
EfficientNet: Improving Accuracy and Efficiency through AutoML and Model Scaling
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Intelligent computing in Snowflake
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Function Approximation in Reinforcement Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Graph Convolutional Networks for Geometric Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #data-science #algorithms #neural-net #research
The Inherent Insecurity in Neural Networks and Machine Learning Based Applications
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Presentation: Understanding Deep Learning
(www.infoq.com) -
The state of 3D object detection
(towardsdatascience.com)#machine-learning #image-processing #algorithms #neural-net #research
An Intuitive Understanding to Neural Style Transfer
(towardsdatascience.com)#machine-learning #image-processing #neural-net #image-generation
Analyzing different types of activation functions in neural networks — which one to prefer?
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Improving scene understanding through panoptic segmentation
(code.fb.com) -
How do Graph Neural Networks Work?
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Differentiable Architecture Search for RNN with fastai
(towardsdatascience.com) -
MorphNet: Towards Faster and Smaller Neural Networks
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Retinal Damage Detection
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Paper Summary. Stiffness: A New Perspective on Generalization in Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Review: Residual Attention Network — Attention-Aware Features (Image Classification)
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Introducing Conveiro, an open source library for visualizing convolutional neural networks
(tech.showmax.com) -
Open Questions about Generative Adversarial Networks
(distill.pub) -
Capturing Special Video Moments with Google Photos
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Illustrated: Efficient Neural Architecture Search
(towardsdatascience.com)#data-science #machine-learning #neural-net #visualisation #research
Visualizing memorization in RNNs
(distill.pub)#data-science #machine-learning #neural-net #visualisation #research
Reducing the Need for Labeled Data in Generative Adversarial Networks
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Measuring the Limits of Data Parallel Training for Neural Networks
(ai.googleblog.com)#data-science #performance #neural-net #research #parallel-computing
Utilising CNNs to transform your model into a budding artist
(becominghuman.ai) -
Harnessing Organizational Knowledge for Machine Learning
(ai.googleblog.com) -
U-Net deep learning colourisation of greyscale images
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Connectivity Patterns in Deep Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
An All-Neural On-Device Speech Recognizer
(ai.googleblog.com) -
RNN-Based Handwriting Recognition in Gboard
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Activation Atlas
(distill.pub) -
Learning to Plan with Value Iteration Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Generative Adversarial Networks: Revitalizing old video game textures
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Language Translation with RNNs
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Exploring virtual worlds with reinforcement learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Introducing PlaNet: A Deep Planning Network for Reinforcement Learning
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Transformer-XL: Unleashing the Potential of Attention Models
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Making an interactive UMAP visualization of the MNIST data set
(blog.fastforwardlabs.com) -
Text to Image
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Explainable Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs for Recommendation
(www.ebayinc.com) -
One Shot Learning with Siamese Networks using Keras
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Discovering and Classifying In-app Message Intent at Airbnb
(medium.com) -
Attn: Illustrated Attention
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Optimizing Neural Networks — Where to Start?
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Industrial document classification with Deep Learning
(blog.octo.com) -
What a text recognition system actually sees
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Make your pictures beautiful with a touch of machine learning magic
(towardsdatascience.com) -
ART + AI — Generating African Masks using (Tensorflow and TPUs)
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Generating Haiku with Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
SlowFast Explained - Dual-mode CNN for Video Understanding
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Introducing Wav2latter++
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Top Shot on Pixel 3
(ai.googleblog.com) -
What is neural architecture search?
(www.oreilly.com) -
Real Time Video Neural Style Transfer
(towardsdatascience.com)#data-science #real-time #neural-net #video-processing #image-generation
Exploring Quantum Neural Networks
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Training a Neural Network to Detect Gestures with OpenCV in Python
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Animated RNN, LSTM and GRU
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Providing Gender-Specific Translations in Google Translate
(ai.googleblog.com) -
On integrating symbolic inference into deep neural networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Faster Neural Networks Straight from JPEG
(eng.uber.com) -
Explained: GPipe — Training Giant Neural Nets using Pipeline Parallelism
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Learning to Predict Depth on the Pixel 3 Phones
(ai.googleblog.com) -
How to Get a Better GAN (Almost) for Free: Introducing the Metropolis-Hastings GAN
(eng.uber.com) -
A Beginner’s Guide to Brain-Computer Interface and Convolutional Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
LPCNet: DSP-Boosted Neural Speech Synthesis
(hacks.mozilla.org) -
Interpretable Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
3D Visualization of NN layers with TensorSpace.js
(towardsdatascience.com) -
A Comprehensive Hands-on Guide to Transfer Learning with Real-World Applications in Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
WaveNet: Google Assistant’s Voice Synthesizer.
(towardsdatascience.com) -
ModaNet: A Large-scale Street Fashion Dataset with Polygon Annotations
(www.ebayinc.com) -
Neural Networks For Music: A Journey Through Its History
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Decoded Entity Embeddings of Categorical Variables in Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
QNNPACK: Open source library for optimized mobile deep learning
(code.fb.com) -
Acoustic Detection of Humpback Whales Using a Convolutional Neural Network
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Demystifying Convolutional Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Curiosity and Procrastination in Reinforcement Learning
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Learning neural network architectures
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Significantly faster generation and training for AI-based audio systems
(code.fb.com) -
Siamese Networks and Stuart Weitzman Boots
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Review: DeconvNet — Unpooling Layer (Semantic Segmentation)
(towardsdatascience.com) -
The 4 Convolutional Neural Network Models That Can Classify Your Fashion Images
(towardsdatascience.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #neural-net
Review: FCN (Semantic Segmentation)
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Beyond DQN/A3C: A Survey in Advanced Reinforcement Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Under the hood of Pixling World
(hackernoon.com) -
Speech Classification Using Neural Networks: The Basics
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Streaming RNNs in TensorFlow
(hacks.mozilla.org) -
Review: Faster R-CNN (Object Detection)
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Deep learning made easier with transfer learning
(blog.fastforwardlabs.com) -
Decrypt Generative Artificial Intelligence and GANs
(towardsdatascience.com) -
How to Generate Images using Autoencoders
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Detection and Segmentation through ConvNets
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Recurrent Neural Networks: The Powerhouse of Language Modeling
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Perceptron Learning Algorithm: A Graphical Explanation Of Why It Works
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Uncertainty for CTR Prediction: One Model to Clarify Them All
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Schooling Flappy Bird: A Reinforcement Learning Tutorial
(www.toptal.com) -
Explain Neural Arithmetic Logic Units (NALU)
(becominghuman.ai) -
PinSage: A New Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Web-Scale Recommender Systems
(medium.com) -
Moving Beyond Translation with the Universal Transformer
(ai.googleblog.com) -
What Does A Face Detection Neural Network Look Like?
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Differentiable Image Parameterizations
(distill.pub) -
How to train neural network on browser
(hackernoon.com) -
Self-Organizing Map/Layer in Tensroflow with Interactive Code [ Manual Back Prop with TF ]
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Neural Machine Translation Inference with TensorRT 4
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
What exactly does CNN see?
(becominghuman.ai) -
Learning to perform linear filtering using natural image data
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Beam Search Decoding in CTC-trained Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
An Intriguing Failing of Convolutional Neural Networks and the CoordConv Solution
(eng.uber.com) -
Time-Series Analysis Using Recurrent Neural Networks in Tensorflow
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Sentence Classification using CNN with Deep Learning Studio
(towardsdatascience.com) -
GUI Testing Powered by Deep Learning
(www.ebayinc.com) -
Introduction to Sequence Models — RNN, Bidirectional RNN, LSTM, GRU
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Neural Machine Translation with Python
(towardsdatascience.com) -
An Intuitive Explanation of Connectionist Temporal Classification
(towardsdatascience.com) -
How Can Neural Network Similarity Help Us Understand Training and Generalization?
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Cats to crazy quilts: Using style transfer to generate adversarial examples
(hackernoon.com) -
RNN or Recurrent Neural Network for Noobs
(hackernoon.com) -
Convolutional Neural Networks from the ground up
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Principal Component Analysis Network in Tensorflow with Interactive Code
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Intuitively Understanding Convolutions for Deep Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Wide Residual Networks with Interactive Code
(towardsdatascience.com) -
An Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Coding Neural Network — Dropout
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Siamese Network & Triplet Loss
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Using Evolutionary AutoML to Discover Neural Network Architectures
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) for Time Series Forecasting Using Tensorflow - Part 1
(blog.avenuecode.com) -
Hyper-parameters in Action! Introducing DeepReplay
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Generating Pixelated Images from Segmentation Masks using Conditional Adversarial Networks with…
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Accelerating Deep Neuroevolution: Train Atari in Hours on a Single Personal Computer
(eng.uber.com) -
A Comprehensive Design Guide for Image Classification CNNs
(hackernoon.com) -
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Data2Vis: Automatic Generation of Data Visualizations Using Sequence-to-Sequence Recurrent Neural…
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
(hackernoon.com) -
Encrypting Different Medical Images using Deep Neural Network with Interactive Code
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Information Theory of Neural Networks
(hackernoon.com) -
Convolutional Neural Network to steer a vehicle inside a game
(towardsdatascience.com) -
What’s wrong with spectrograms and CNNs for audio processing?
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Releasing “Supervisely Person” dataset for teaching machines to segment humans
(hackernoon.com) -
VINE: An Open Source Interactive Data Visualization Tool for Neuroevolution
(eng.uber.com) -
Using Evolutionary AutoML to Discover Neural Network Architectures
(research.googleblog.com) -
Deep Neural Network implemented in pure SQL over BigQuery
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Open Sourcing the Hunt for Exoplanets
(research.googleblog.com) -
Hierarchical Classification at Forge.AI
(hackernoon.com) -
Deep Neural Networks for Survival Analysis Based on a Multi-Task Framework
(medium.com) -
Deep inside: Autoencoders
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Build a recurrent neural network using Apache MXNet
(www.oreilly.com) -
How neural networks learn distributed representations
(www.oreilly.com) -
Building a Deep Neural Net In Google Sheets
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Introducing capsule networks
(www.oreilly.com) -
Logo detection using Apache MXNet
(www.oreilly.com) -
How to solve 90% of NLP problems: A step-by-step guide
(www.oreilly.com) -
Practical Text Generation with Tensorflow Serving
(towardsdatascience.com) -
What is wrong with Convolutional neural networks ?
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Facebook open sources Detectron
(research.fb.com) -
Creating Intricate Art with Neural Style Transfer
(becominghuman.ai) -
Convolutional neural networks for language tasks
(www.oreilly.com) -
SBNet: Leveraging Activation Block Sparsity for Speeding up Convolutional Neural Networks
(eng.uber.com) -
The 8 Neural Network Architectures Machine Learning Researchers Need to Learn
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Neural Network Optimization Algorithms
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Priming neural networks with an appropriate initializer.
(becominghuman.ai) -
From Perceptron to Deep Neural Nets
(becominghuman.ai) -
One-Shot Learning: Face Recognition using Siamese Neural Network
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Meet Artificial Neural Networks
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Understanding CapsNet (Part 1)
(becominghuman.ai)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #neural-net
Tacotron 2: Generating Human-like Speech from Text
(research.googleblog.com) -
Machine Learning on JavaScript, Part I: Neural Networks
(blog.moove-it.com) -
Introducing NIMA: Neural Image Assessment
(research.googleblog.com) -
TFGAN: A Lightweight Library for Generative Adversarial Networks
(research.googleblog.com) -
Uncovering the Intuition behind Capsule Networks and Inverse Graphics: Part I
(hackernoon.com) -
Interpreting Deep Neural Networks with SVCCA
(research.googleblog.com) -
Malware Detection in Executables Using Neural Networks
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
Backprop and systolic arrays.
(becominghuman.ai) -
Neural networks for beginners: popular types and applications
(blog.statsbot.co) -
Understand and apply CapsNet on Traffic sign classification
(becominghuman.ai) -
Gender and Race Change on Your Selfie with Neural Nets
(hackernoon.com) -
Seamless Google Street View Panoramas
(research.googleblog.com) -
Extract a feature vector for any image with PyTorch
(becominghuman.ai) -
Generative Adversarial Networks — A Deep Learning Architecture
(becominghuman.ai) -
Feature Visualization
(distill.pub)#machine-learning #neural-net #internals #visualisation #image-generation
Crash Catcher: Detecting Car Crashes in Video
(blog.insightdatascience.com)#deep-learning #machine-learning #image-processing #neural-net
Neural Network Learning Internals(Error Function Surface, Non-Convexity, SGD Optimization)
(becominghuman.ai) -
Deep Speech 3:Exploring Neural Transducers for End-to-End Speech Recognition
(research.baidu.com)#AI #machine-learning #neural-net #audio-processing #research
A Neural Network Primer
(technology.condenast.com) -
Training an Architectural Classifier
(hackernoon.com) -
Traffic Sign Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network
(hackernoon.com) -
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN, or ConvNets)
(becominghuman.ai) -
Using neural networks to predict customers’ needs
(medium.com) -
Image Masking Challenge. A Kaggle Competition
(becominghuman.ai) -
RNNoise: Using Deep Learning for Noise Suppression
(hacks.mozilla.org)#deep-learning #machine-learning #neural-net #audio-processing
Art’Em - Week 2
(software.intel.com) -
Ridiculously Fast Shot Boundary Detection with Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
(becominghuman.ai) -
Putting the Flow in Tensor Flow!
(becominghuman.ai) -
Image Data Pre-Processing for Neural Networks
(becominghuman.ai) -
3D Multi Object GAN
(becominghuman.ai) -
Video: Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Automatically Analyze Aerial and Satellite Imagery
(www.azavea.com) -
Engineering Uncertainty Estimation in Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction at Uber
(eng.uber.com) -
Transformer: A Novel Neural Network Architecture for Language Understanding
(research.googleblog.com) -
Creating your own neural network using TensorFlow
(becominghuman.ai) -
A Friendly Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
(hashrocket.com) -
Automated image tagging at Booking.com
(blog.booking.com) -
The charming simplicity of NN frameworks
(becominghuman.ai) -
Radial-basis Function Neural Networks — Fractal Behavior
(becominghuman.ai) -
Making a Simple Neural Network : Classification
(becominghuman.ai) -
Visually Similar Recommendations
(tech.gilt.com) -
Perform sentiment analysis with LSTMs, using TensorFlow
(www.oreilly.com) -
Building Your Own Neural Machine Translation System in TensorFlow