Tagged | maps
The GIS Journey at Blinkit (formerly Grofers)
(lambda.grofers.com) -
Serve Map Clusters 50x Faster Using Smarter Caching
(www.toptal.com) -
Understanding Micro-Mobility Patterns using Geospatial Data
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Article: Predicting Time to Cook, Arrive, and Deliver in Uber Eats
(www.infoq.com) -
Improving Pickups with Better Location Accuracy
(eng.uber.com) -
Identifying gaps in OpenStreetMap coverage through machine learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
MaRS: How Facebook keeps maps current and accurate
(engineering.fb.com) -
How Map Matching Failures can be used for Map Making
(eng.lyft.com) -
Mapping roads through deep learning and weakly supervised training
(ai.facebook.com)#machine-learning #image-processing #GeoData #research #maps
Using Noisy Labels to Train Deep Learning Models on Satellite Imagery
(www.azavea.com) -
Mapping roads through deep learning and weakly supervised training
(ai.facebook.com) -
The Scooters Are Coming: let’s require data this time
(www.azavea.com) -
Visualizing City Cores with H3, Uber’s Open Source Geospatial Indexing System
(eng.uber.com) -
Predicting Bus Delays with Machine Learning
(ai.googleblog.com) -
An Inside Look at Google Earth Timelapse
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Visualizing Traffic Safety with Uber Movement Data and Kepler.gl
(eng.uber.com) -
Improving Uber’s Mapping Accuracy with CatchME
(eng.uber.com) -
Solving A Data Science Challenge - The Visual Way
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Using Global Localization to Improve Navigation
(ai.googleblog.com) -
Using OpenStreetMap tiles for Machine Learning
(towardsdatascience.com) -
A new predictive model for more accurate electrical grid mapping
(research.fb.com) -
Building a Scalable and Reliable Map Interface for Drivers
(eng.uber.com) -
Technical workflow: Building transportation scenarios for accessibility analysis
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Visualizing Air Pollution with Folium Maps
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Applying Customer Feedback: How NLP & Deep Learning Improve Uber’s Maps
(eng.uber.com) -
Uber Expands Advanced Visualization Ecosystem with Mapbox Integration
(eng.uber.com) -
Digitizing Maps Using Remote Sensing Techniques in ArcMap and R
(www.azavea.com) -
Creating Leaflet Tiles from Open Data using PostGIS and QGIS
(www.azavea.com) -
Mapping Factorio with Leaflet
(blog.cloudflare.com) -
Using LDA to Build a Missing Yelp Feature
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Coral Cities: An Ito Design Lab Concept
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Exploring Protected Wildlife Habitat for Every Property in New Jersey
(www.azavea.com) -
A Cartographic Exploration of Housing in Amsterdam
(towardsdatascience.com) -
Colour Maps using Integer Programming
(towardsdatascience.com) -
New data tools for relief organizations: network coverage, power, and displacement
(research.fb.com) -
Generating Pyramided Tiles from a GeoTIFF using GeoTrellis
(www.azavea.com) -
Enhancing the Quality of Uber’s Maps with Metrics Computation
(eng.uber.com) -
How to use Machine Learning and Quilt to Identify Buildings in Satellite Images
(blog.insightdatascience.com) -
H3: Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index
(eng.uber.com) -
Introducing Commute Time for Jobs
(engineering.linkedin.com) -
From Beautiful Maps to Actionable Insights: Introducing kepler.gl, Uber’s Open Source Geospatial Toolbox
(eng.uber.com) -
Growing the Data Visualization Community with deck.gl v5
(eng.uber.com) -
Rethinking GPS: Engineering Next-Gen Location at Uber
(eng.uber.com) -
Floor map management system on web, with Leaflet
(engineering.linecorp.com) -
Phones, Lambdas and the Joy of Snap-to-Place Technology
(engineering.foursquare.com) -
The Global Heatmap, Now 6x Hotter
(medium.com) -
React/Redux with Mapbox
(hackernoon.com) -
Comparison of 4 Point Data Aggregation Methods for Geospatial Analysis
(www.azavea.com) -
How to Build A Boba Tea Shop Finder with Python, Google Maps and GeoJSON
(twilioinc.wpengine.com) -
Engineering Uber’s Self-Driving Car Visualization Platform for the Web
(eng.uber.com) -
Getting Started on Geospatial Analysis with Python, GeoJSON and GeoPandas