Tagged | C++
Stork: How to Make a Programming Language in C++
(www.toptal.com) -
C++ Creator Bjarne Stroustrup Answers Our Top Five C++ Questions
(stackoverflow.blog) -
NuRaft: a Lightweight C++ Raft Core
(tech.ebayinc.com) -
SoundCloud Is Playing the Oboe
(developers.soundcloud.com) -
Open-sourcing F14 for faster, more memory-efficient hash tables
(code.fb.com) -
Open-sourcing SPARTA to make abstract interpretation easy
(code.fb.com) -
Introducing Oboe: A C++ library for low latency audio
(android-developers.googleblog.com) -
V8 wrapped objects lifecycle
(itnext.io) -
Pruning Dynamic Rebuilds With libabigail
(engineering.mongodb.com) -
Android native library merging
(code.facebook.com) -
Seastar: The future is Here
(www.scylladb.com) -
CUTLASS: Fast Linear Algebra in CUDA C++
(devblogs.nvidia.com) -
How Discord Resizes 150 Million Images Every Day with Go and C++
(blog.discordapp.com) -
LibSlack: the C++ library at the foundation of our client application architecture