JS Array Cardio - part 2
This is the seventh project of WesBos's JS30 series. To see the whole 30 part series, click here
We will be creating a bunch of small exaples to play with various array methods such as some()
, every()
, find()
, findIndex()
, splice()
Here is the codepen with the starter files
So in this exercise we'll be doing some more array exercises. Our sample data -
const people = [
{ name: 'Wes', year: 1988 },
{ name: 'Kait', year: 1986 },
{ name: 'Irv', year: 1970 },
{ name: 'Lux', year: 2015 }
const comments = [
{ text: 'Love this!', id: 523423 },
{ text: 'Super good', id: 823423 },
{ text: 'You are the best', id: 2039842 },
{ text: 'Ramen is my fav food ever', id: 123523 },
{ text: 'Nice Nice Nice!', id: 542328 }
The [].some(test_fn)
method tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided function (test_fn
). Each element of the array is iterated upon and the element is passed to test_fn
, if it returns true for any one of the elements, the [].some()
method ends and returns true. If test_fn
returns false for each element, only then does [].some()
return false.
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Task : Is at least one person 19 or older?
res = people.some(person => {
const currentDate = (new Date()).getFullYear())
return currentDate - person.year >= 19
console.log(res) //true
The [].every(test_fn)
method tests whether all elements in the array passes the test implemented by the provided function (test_fn
). Each element of the array is iterated upon and the element is passed to test_fn
, if it returns true for each one of the elements, the [].every()
method returns true. If test_fn
returns false for even element, [].every()
returns false.
Learn more @ MDN Docs
Task : Is everyone 19 or older?
res = people.every(person => {
const currentDate = (new Date()).getFullYear())
return currentDate - person.year >= 19
console.log(res) //false
The [].find(test_fn)
method returns the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function (test_fn
). Otherwise undefined is returned. This works like [].some()
, except that it returns the first instance of the object rather than true or false.
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Task : find the comment with the ID of 823423
const com = comments.find(comment => comment.id == 823423)
console.log(com) // { text: 'Super good', id: 823423 }
The [].findIndex(test_fn)
method returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function (test_fn
). Otherwise -1 is returned. Works just like [].find()
, except it returns the index, not the element.
Learn more @ MDN Docs
Task : Delete the comment with the ID of 823423
const index = comments.findIndex(comment => comment.id == 823423)
const deletedComment = comments.splice(index, 1)
That is it for this project. I haven't updated the codepen as there isn't much updates to see, just open the console and try this out!